Is Gambling Illegal In Northern Ireland

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Some committee members expressed surprise at the number of positive responses about casinos, which are currently illegal in Northern Ireland. In 2014, then-minister Nelson McCausland said he would. Prevalence of Drug Use and Gambling in Ireland and Drug Use in Northern Ireland 3 Prevalence of Drug Use and Gambling in Ireland 2014/15 (Adults 15+ years) Key Findings in Ireland: u26.4% of Irish adults aged 15 years or older report using an illegal drug in their lifetime, 7.5% in the past 12 months and 4.0% in the past month. Ireland and gambling have always enjoyed a close relationship. Sports betting is of particular interest in Ireland, most notably horse racing. In fact, Ireland has the most horses per person in Europe and is in the top four producers of racing horses in the world. The emerald isle is renowned for its horse racing events and established jockeys today – but how did it get to this point?

Gary Toal and his daughter Lauren Turley pictured at Toal Bookmakers in Belfast's High Street

THE owner of a pub in Armagh has been fined £2,400 for allowing illegal gambling on his premises going back many years.

And he has also been ordered to pay £24,000 in compensation to the locally-owned Toal's bookmaking chain, which brought the case.

Herbert William (Bill) Currie from Derryhaw Road in Tynan operated the Victoria Bar at 32-34 Barrack Street in Armagh.

He was convicted on 24 separate charges of 'carrying on a business or acting as a bookmaker' when he did not hold a valid bookmaker's licence.

Is Gambling Illegal In Northern Ireland

The charges related to a range of different dates going back to March 2014.

Currie, who is understood to have absconded to Spain and wasn't present for the hearing in Laganside Courts, was fined £100 on each of the charges. Two other charges were withdrawn.

He was also ordered to pay £2,000 compensation to Toal's on 12 of the charges, and has until the end of June to make the necessary payments.

Is Gambling Illegal In Northern Ireland Now

The case was brought by way of a private prosecution by Toal's, a family-run business which was established in 1932 and which has 50 branches across Northern Ireland.

Is Gambling Illegal In Northern Ireland Right Now

The chain's managing director Gary Toal has previously instigated legal proceedings against a number of pubs in the north, attempting to block their drinks license renewals because they allegedly allow illegal gambling on their premises.

Indigenous licensed bookmaking chains in the north say they are 'frustrated' that the authorities aren't doing enough to stamp out illegal gambling in pubs.

The law in Northern Ireland dictates that, unlike Britain and the Republic, bookies can't open on Sundays, which is a prime betting day for sporting events and therefore betting.

That has led to scores of pubs and clubs having a 'bookies runner', who'll take bets either on behalf of the premises or a commercial operator, which is illegal.

In 2017 different bookmakers in Northern Ireland mounted a concerted challenge to block a number of the 1,200 licences were came up for renewal under a five-year cycle, and were successful in five cases.

It is understood Currie's pub in Armagh first came to attention in 2012, but no case was taken at that stage, and in 2017 the authorities didn't proceed with the case, prompting the latest private prosecution.

Mr Toal told the Irish News: 'It's very simple - bookmakers aren't allowed to sell alcohol and publicans aren't allowed to facilities bookmaking on their premises and cannot act as a betting intermediary.

'This has been a problem for many years, and we will continue to challenge pubs and publicans so long as the illegal practice persists.'

He added: 'The next round of pubs license renewals comes around in 2022, and even at this stage we have our eye on at least 10 premises where we believe illegal gambling is rife, and we'll be attempting to block them from trading.'

The bookmaking industry in Northern Ireland employs close to 2,000 people in 320 betting shops and contributes in excess of £1 billion to the economy, despite what it insists is the 'active discrimination' being shown to it.

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Efforts to regulate online gambling in Northern Ireland must be taken to another level, a Stormont minister has said.

Communities minister Caral Ni Chuilin said new laws would be brought before the Assembly before the current mandate ends in 2022.

She was asked about the issue by party colleague Philip McGuigan who himself has battled a gambling addiction.

He specifically asked whether the minister had plans to ban so-called withdrawal reversals – where someone withdrawing winnings changes their mind and uses the funds to place more bets.

“We’re certainly looking at legislation around gambling and looking at all those options,” the minister replied.


“What’s happened elsewhere has been almost 10-15 years of work and despite many attempts here we need to take it to another level and certainly online gambling and problem gambling is something that we need to look at to put protections in for people as best we can.

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“And we are looking at different stages of legislation, starting in this mandate as soon as possible.”

Mr McGuigan said gambling was also a public health issue and asked whether the minister had been liaising with the health minister on what could be done.

Ms Ni Chuilin said she had met with health minister Robin Swann to discuss a range of issues around addiction.

“Mental health is every executive minister’s business and I just wanted to assure him (Mr McGuigan) of the steps that we’re taking to work together to try and support people who’ve got addiction, families are going through crisis, and basically just to see what else we can do very practically across all our departments.”

Gambling Laws In Northern Ireland

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